Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Meet Your Instructor

    3. Before We Begin

    4. Tell Us About Yourself

    1. Defining Acceptable Worksite Culture

    2. What is Positive Worksite Culture

    3. Why is Worksite Culture Important?

    4. Part 2: Knowledge Check

    1. Introduction

    2. How does Diversity Impact Teamwork and Productivity?

    3. Why is Diversity Important?

    4. Part 3: Knowledge Check

    5. Part 3: Reflection

    1. Introduction

    2. How does Equity Impact Employee Engagement, Collaboration, and Productivity?

    3. Why is Equity Important?

    4. Part 4: Knowledge Check

    5. Part 4: Reflection

    1. Introduction

    2. How does Inclusion Impact Individuals and Teams?

    3. Why is Inclusion Important?

    4. Part 5: Knowledge Check

    5. Part 5: Reflection

    1. Change Starts with You

    2. Getting Others on Board

    3. Part 6: Knowledge Check

    4. Part 6: Reflection

About this course

  • $68.25
  • 60 min: estimated time to complete
  • All sales are final. No refunds will be issued.
  • The information provided is for educational purposes only.
  • Registration to any of the training options does not grant ownership rights to the training content or related materials. As such, Builders Code Worksite Culture training content and related materials are not to be used for copying, redistribution, facilitation, or publication.
  • Thank you for complying.
British Columbia Construction Association

The Future of Construction Culture – Know Your Part